Wednesday, June 29, 2005
Day Camped At The Beach
Wednesday morning and we are parked at the beach. We just finished breakfast listening to the crash of waves on the shore and rocks. We will stay day camped here until after lunch and then drive about 3 miles down the road to Sycamore Canyon campground.
I posted the link to the check list we use last night, but here it is again Our RV Packing Check List
One thing that is not on the list that we don't always take is firewood. This time we are taking firewood, so I think I will add it to our checklist. It is easy enough to cross things off if you don't need them for a trip.
There were two seals swimming by just at the edge of the surf line. We almost always see at least one seal when we are parked here. This is where we were parked a while back and saw the whale go by just offshore a hundred yards or so.
Since I had to get the bicycles out, I spent the day arranging the garage they were in. We now have a lot of room where we once had a lot of clutter. It is so easy to organize things, I wonder why I let them get so disorganized to begin with.
I will write more later when we get to the campground.
Here I sit at the campground with a fire in the fire pit behind me. We are about 300 yards from the beach, but it is across the highway from us. This campground is in amongst the trees and it like any inland campground.
It was about 70 or so here today. Right now the temperature at this table is 62 degrees according to one of our motorhome thermometers I brought out. The morning was "overcast" with our normal high fog, but the rest of the day was beautiful and sunny. It is 6 :15 p.m. now and the high fog is coming in. As I look around I don't see any blue sky now.
When we were parked at the beach we saw the seals and some dolphins, but they didn't swim right in front of us.
I tried to "kill" myself on my bicycle today. I was riding and had two cookies. I dropped one and as it dropped I use the front hand brake to stop. The bike went up on its front wheel and dumped me over the handle bars. I was able to roll as I hit the ground. I slightly hurt the palms of both hands, my left knee and a little tweak to my back. Actually right now only my right palm feels sore. I did not get any cuts or scrapes and did not hit my head. My lucky day. HOWEVER my back tire rim is bent. Not more riding for me.
Sharon just had me start the BBQ. Pork spare ribs for dinner tonight. I have been sitting here at the camp table eating chips and salsa.
It is really nice to be out camping again. I could get used to doing this more often. We have a campsite for tonight only. Tomorrow we have to check at the front gate and see if the have a spot for tomorrow night.
This campground has about 60 spots and is mostly occupied by tent campers. There are less than a dozen RVs of any kind including tent trailers.

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