Friday, April 01, 2005

Apr 1, '05 April Fool's Day And I Do Not Have A Prank

Yesterday Sharon told me it was Friday. So, I thought it was April 1. I guess she was pulling a pre-April Fool's joke on me. Ha Ha! My favorite April Fool's joke was in my senior year of high school. I wrapped my arm in cloth and plaster of paris and then went to school. I had a broken arm for a day.

I am still thrilled with the Jessica screen saver I created. I only wish is wasn't such a time consuming project. I think I would try to market personalized screen savers I really love the result I got. It sure is neat when you learn something new and it really impresses you and makes you happy you learned something new. Even if it is not a way I would generate income, it sure is good to start learning about using graphic software to enhance your photographs.

I just downloaded a program, well it is only a short java script for displaying phonographs as a slide show on your computer or your website. The script is PushButton SlideShow with Captions and Cross-Fade and can be downloaded at Download the Screen Saver Script

This slide show is not a program. It is a java script. You have to type your picture title into the script instead of just filling out a form and doing it automatically. The good thing about this is that it is a tiny amount of script. It is about one page of typed information. It is not a huge program. It is easy to use and can easily be uploaded to your own website to use as a picture viewer. Check out the pictures of where we used to live at Our Canyon Home

TiogaRV's George has a daily blog of his vagabonding full-timing travels. He has found a new blogging program that I think I will try out. Just like him, I have problems with Blogger on a regular basis.


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