Saturday, January 07, 2006
No Power Sunday -- Working On Poles
The electric company will be working on the poles Sunday. They will shut our power off from 8 a.m. until 5 p.m. I thought we would take a day of and take the motorhome to the beach. Instead I think will will do some work out in back. Since we were camping last weekend and will be camping next weekend, we need to use our time for getting some things done.
OH, yesterday, I forgot to say that I got the oil changed in the Bounder and the Honda eu2000i generator. Yesterday Sharon went to the RV store and bought me a spark plug and oil filter for the 7.4 KW Onan generator. I will work on the Onan Sunday when the power is off.
Yesterday I showed you a list of ebooks that were included in the membership I purchased. I finished downloading everything and there were 413 different files including those ebooks I listed. This is all information I am free to use, to sell or to create a website around. I can even give away parts of it, in fact most of it. Some things have terms that they cannot be given away, but I don’t thing there are many in this archive that are restricted like that.
Now I need to actively use this material. It is all part of the plan to go fulltiming and still make a living. Since we won’t have the retirement income to actually full time, we need to have an ongoing income. I don’t want to have to work at campgrounds to earn my space rent, so internet based income makes sense.
Did I say the gasket around the basement door fixed the leak? Well Sharon told me the compartment was dry. When I pulled the Honda generator to change the oil, the floor was wet under it. The gasket was NOT the problem Since the compartment is behind the front wheel and it is the front section of the compartment that was wet, I figure the water came in from outside and underneath. I ran some Eternabond tape along a couple seams of the compartment and then I put some clear silicone seal into some cracks and crevices. I may paint some of the white caulking over the area also. Hopefully the leak is solved.

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