Tuesday, February 15, 2005
Feb 15, '05 Another Day Closer -- Excited
It is Tuesday and our marriage license has expired. It was only good for 24 hours. Luckily we have our original that is still valid. Sharon and I have been married for 38 years. That license is good for life.
The weather for this coming weekend's rally at Lake San Antonio is not looking good. The forecast calls for rain all weekend and into next week. So, this is a wonderful opportunity to see what full-timers deal with. Live with the weather and enjoy it whatever comes. Luckily where we will be camping, there is a recreation room available for the rally to use. Pot lucks and getting together can be inside and out of the rain and cold.
COLD!! I sure hope it does not snow there. Rain is OK, but I am not ready to learn to drive a motorhome in snow. I do not even have chains yet.
Yesterday I bought to 1/2 inch PVC T's. I heard on RV.net that a simple odor control for black and gray tanks was to put a PVC T in your roof top vents. Pull the cap that is there now. Put a T in its place. Air going through the T acts as a vacuum and suck air out of the tanks. This T system is supposed to do the job the commercial odor eliminator vents do. If you have ever driven your RV and ended up with odors inside because of the poor system, this might be worth trying for you too. I will let you know how they work.
I have a check list for our RV trips. I had better print it and start checking things off. Last day trip out I forgot my camera to laptop cable so I could not download pictures. It was not a problem. I just wanted to see pictures I had taken. The check list has the little things we have forgotten in the past and some things we take out of the motorhome on it. With a list things go back in and we are less likely to forget something important.

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