Saturday, August 06, 2005
I Saw My Pictures At The Fair
Not only did I find my 5 pictures at the fair, I got a first place ribbon for one of them. I was just tickled pink. This is the first time I have ever entered anything in a fair or other competition. Below is a picture of the picture with it’s tiny blue ribbon. They give you a full size ribbon when you pick up your picture at the end of the fair. They put the little ones on display because people steal the big ones. Sad note to a happy event.
A day walking the fair sure is a good way to get a good nights sleep. I slept the night through without even a 3 o’clock pit stop. Sharon and I didn’t wake up until her pill alarm went off at 7:30. She takes blood pressure medications that keep her blood pressure normal.
The concert was fantastic. It was opened by Julie Roberts (not the actress, Julia) and follow by Teri Clark. Once again we were right up front taking pictures. We stood through the concert at the front rail. You can’t get closer unless you are a member of the band. I even got one of the guitar picks that Teri threw. Most performers throw guitar picks to the audience. Teri’s pick have her “portrait” in outline on one side and her signature on the other side.
Do to stage lighting it is hard to get good concert pictures. I took about 200 pictures and only got a few. The back lighting overcomes you camera ability to see.
Julie Roberts
It is great being front row at a concert.
It looked like she was singing to you and only you. She’s waving here
As it gets darker it gets harder to take quality pictures
Teri Clark
The best I could do
Even adjusting the picture using my photo program doesn’t do Teri Justice

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