Friday, December 09, 2005

Great Day At The Beach

Yesterday was a great day at the beach. It was warm enough for me to wear a short sleeved shirt, but cool enough for Sharon to wear a light jacket.  For surfers, the waves were really nice. Not the very best, but good enough for a lot of surfing action.

Our water is about 53 degrees and can easily lead to hypothermia, so our surfers always surf in wet suits.  Surfers enter the water and some lay flat on their board and paddle our to the waves. Others kneel on the board. I got a picture of one style of paddling out.

Bikini Surfer

WOW!  That water is cold.  There were about a half dozen women surfing in bikinis.  I talked to this one when she got out of the water. She said she was frozen. 

Surfing has a couple dangers we have seen. Surfing in a rocky area can lead the cuts. We saw a surfer with a bleeding forehead a while back.  Yesterday a guy was holding a cloth on  his bleeding chin saying that he probably needed stitches.  On his first wave, his surf board came back and clipped his chin.

OK, I did get a picture of one of the surfers in his wet suit.
Wetsuit Surfing -- Bikini Surfer


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