Sunday, May 01, 2005
Bees In The Garage
Another fun experience. We just got home from running around and there are bees making their home in our garage. This just started. There are hundreds of bees buzzing around a hole where they can easily enter. I just sent Sharon out to get a can of wasp spray. They are NOT making their home here.
Since we eat dinner in the Bounder every night and that is where our refrigerator and food are, I think it is important to get rid of the bees VERY QUICKLY!
We really like the new exercise machine. Assuming we can keep using it and do not push it into a corner to gather dust, it should help out strength and stamina for bicycle riding. PLUS, make us healthier too. We are the typical inactive Americans — overweight and out of condition. I am planning to change that in our case.
May Day or May 1st. When I was a kid in grammar school, that was a festival day with a “May Pole” and fun at school. I am not sure what ever happened to May Day celebrations. It must have become politically incorrect somehow.
Two and a half weeks and we are headed out to our next rally in San Diego. In just under two weeks we will get going to the camping trip to Casitas Lake I mentioned earlier. I still have to call the mechanic and get the Bounder back firing problem solved. I will call them tomorrow —– assuming I get rid of the bees. They are out there where the Bounder parks.

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