Sunday, December 25, 2005
Merry Christmas
Good morning and Merry Christmas. It is a gorgeous, sunny morning up here in the mountains. When I walked Poky, it was pretty cool outside. I am guess hight 20’s to low 30’s. We are at my younger son’s home in Bear Valley Springs, California.
Yesterday we stopped by my older son’s home to see him, his wife and our 2 year old granddaughter. Their home is ready for Christmas. Our granddaughter, Amanda, is started to get to that fun age where she interacts with people more. Little ones certainly are a lot of fun, especially when you can leave then with their parents when day is done.
Jessica, our younger son’s daughter, is as cute as ever. Her toys are beside the tree waiting for her to come upstairs. I hear her talking. Christmas becomes more interesting again, with grandchildren.

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