Sunday, June 12, 2005
Sunday -- Work and Play Day
It is Sunday morning and I have been up since just before six o’clock. I put 6 miles on the exercise machine. HEY! How many of you are deciding to exercise too. You do not have to have any equipment. A thirty minute walk. 15 minutes of your choice of exercises. If you do not know what exercises, look up "exercise" on the internet you will find lots of answers.
You can do this too. Give it a try. My life has been sedentary. I sit at a computer all day. I do not exercise. Two years ago we got a dog. Here at the office he has to be walked, so I got two walks a day along with the dog. Other than that I haven’t exercised for years. I have found a reason to exercise. I want to become more fit so full-timing in an RV will be a better experience. Instead of sitting around a campground or watching TV inside the motorhome, I will be in condition to bicycle, hike, climb or row a boat. A warm day and a nice long swim instead of just relaxing in the water.
Can you see yourself more physically fit? Could you lose a couple pounds or may a few more than that? You seldom get regular encouragement to do anything in your life. I am encouraging you now. If you are really out of shape, check with your doctor. Get a physical and recommendations on an exercise program. It is a lot easier to do something along with someone else. OK, do this along with me.
So, to begin with, you should have a reason. You need an outcome that you would like to achieve and a good reason for doing so. I think I told you I would like to live an active and productive life for the next 33 years and retire to the easy life when I am 95. HEY! I am 62 now. I have let a lot of life pass me by. It is time to change things and experience some different things in life. So, I have my outcome. A long and productive life.
Now I need a reason. Without a reason to succeed there is little motivation. I want to go full-time RVing and see hundreds if not thousands of new places. I want to experience these places the fullest which mean being physically fit. I want to do this hand in hand with my wife, who is also working toward a healthier lifestyle.
Do you have an outcome you would like to achieve? A place you would like to be in the future? Find a strong enough reason to achieve this outcome and you will be on your way to a richer life, that I am convince of.
Last night I was thinking about RVing and full-timing and it dawned on me that in far away or remote places you should be protected in some way. NO, not firearms. I mean medically. Because of this thought I wrote a medical alert page for RV Living Magazine. Take a look at Medical Alter Bracelets

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