Monday, March 12, 2007
Ebay Sales Picking Up
Since we changed our work pattern, our Ebay sales have been picking up. We are ahead of where we normally need to be at this time of month. If we can maintain this level of sales we will have an excellent month. More than that if we maintain the level of work, we will get into a better financial situation.
All we need to do is keep working while we are at work. Actually it feels good to work. As the sales pick up, it feels even better.
WOW! Talk about camping weather. Yesterday was over 90 degrees here and today is another warm one. Normally it does not get over 90 during the summer here on the coast. We get some over 90 days, but not many. This is really warm weather for us. I really need to get ahead a little and get that shimmy in the Bounder fixed so we can go camping again.
The shimmy problem is so bad, I do not even want to drive the motorhome up to the propane place to fill the tank. If I hit about 50 it really starts to shake to the point of being dangerous.
Tomorrow we are going to take off and go to the movies, for free. More tickets Sharon won on the radio. We go to the movies fairly often, but never pay to go. I love it.
Have you tried the new McDonald's Deluxe Angus Burger? That is one very tasty hamburger. We had a coupon to buy one, get one free, so that was dinner last night. DELICIOUS! 1/3 pound of beef, so not something I need regularly. Tonight we bought another. This time the Swiss and mushroom. It tasted good, but not like the Deluxe version. Deluxe is burger, cheese lettuce and tomato with mayonnaise. It tastes almost like a homemade burger.

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