Wednesday, January 26, 2005

Jan 26, '05 Sewer Tube Installed

I got the new tube installed for my sewer hose. The new tube is a 4 inch diameter 6 foot length of dryer conduit. The exhaust hose you connect to the back of your clothes dryer to vent it. The tube is short when you buy it and you pull it to expanded to 6 feet. I did not pull it at all, just installed it where the old one was. This was a fairly quick job that I had been putting off.

That's me laying under the motorhome tightening the band that holds the new tube in place. The problem working under there is dirt in your eyes as you "mess" with the old areas.

New Tube

I wonder why we put off simple jobs we can accomplish in a short time and contribute a lot to our life in one way or another. Procrastination sure is a problem that makes no sense most of the time.

Today is a drizzly day here on the coast. We are supposed to be getting a moderate rain storm. Not as bad as the last one, but still more rain.

Camping or even day camping is out this week. Sharon has a couple doctors appointment and I have another warehouse job that needs to get done. Life sure gets in the way of living how we would like to.

We are thinking that we will go to Mexico in our RVing travels, once we go full-timing. So, in the mean time I have pulled out my Spanish language CD and am starting to study Spanish. We are in an area with a lot of Hispanic people so it is easy to practice. I have a Mexican fellow in the business next door I can talk to.

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