Flameless Candles

A flameless candle is safe around children
No messy dripping wax

Flameless Candles

If you like candles give flameless candles a try. If you have seen our page Candle Light Dinners you know we enjoy our candles. One worry is that we may leave a candle burning. Burning candles have burned down many a home and probably a few RVs too.

Modern technology and LED lights have come up with a solution, flickering, flameless candles. These candles flicker and glow like a real candle, but without the mess or risk.

The candles are made of real wax and scented in popular fragrances. The difference is that there is no flame. These candles are lit by a long-life LED light. These are safe around pets and children since there is no burning wick. It is a flickering battery powered light.

These are so safe, you can leave them unattended for long periods with not risk of fire. Since the wax does not melt, you do not have to worry about messy cleanups.

These candles come in a variety of sizes and shapes. Pick the one that best suits your decor.
Flameless Candles

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